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SPR PROSPER Diversity Award

Submission Timeline: August 15 - September 30



The mission of the SPR is to create a multi-disciplinary network of diverse researchers to improve child health. Implicit in our mission is our foundational commitment to supporting the success of young investigators in child health research through activities that include facilitating connections with peers, potential collaborators and national mentors.

The PRomotion of FellOwS' PEdiatric Research (PROSPER) Diversity Award will provide material support and mentoring for a one-year pediatric research project that will facilitate an academic research-focused career trajectory for fellows from under-represented in medicine background(s).

The support mechanism of this competitive award will provide a $7,500 award with a match from the recipient’s organization. Funds may come from mentor, chair, diversity office, and/or other source and the source needs to be defined in the letter of support from Division Head or Department Chair. 


  • Commitment of candidate to pediatric research-oriented career.
  • Potential for candidate to succeed as an academic investigator.
  • Availability of adequate mentoring at candidate’s institution.
  • Benefit provided to candidate by mentoring and support by award.


  • MD, DO, and/or PhD
  • Preference given to those who are junior members of the Society for Pediatric Research. Those who are not yet junior members are encouraged to apply as membership is open to all fellows.
  • Accepted to and/or enrolled in a fellowship.
  • Conducting or planning to conduct child or adolescent health research (basic, preclinical, clinical, or implementation and health services research).
  • Self-identification as under-represented in medicine background(s). Individuals from groups identified by NIH as under-represented in biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social sciences such as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and women as well as individuals with disabilities or other life experiences that contribute to diversity are encouraged to apply.
  • Intends to pursue an academic career with major focus on pediatric research.
  • Able to conduct a one-year research project which can occur at any time during fellowship (i.e. flexibility exists as to what year of fellowship the project starts).
  • Will submit abstract of work for a PAS Meeting.


  • Applicant's Personal Information - Name, Degree(s), Email, Academic Title, Department, Institution, State, Country, Phone, Cell Phone, Race/Ethnicity, Gender/Gender Pronouns, Disability, First Generation College Student, Clinical Specialty, Research Type, Research Areas, Research Methods
  • Social Media Accounts
  • Photo
  • Short Bio
  • Blinded and Unblinded Descriptions of:
    • Area of Expertise – 2-3 sentences - 120 words max.
    • Research Accomplishments – 150 words max.
    • Career Goals and Objectives – 150 words max.
    • Specific Aim of Current Research – 450 words max.
    • Why is external mentoring important and in what areas? – 150 words max.
  • Blinded and Unblinded Applicant's NIH Biosketch
  • List of Past and Current Mentors
    • Include name and title.
    • Include institution and project title/description.
  • List of Mentors who I think would be appropriate mentors for me (at any institution):
    • Include name and title.
    • Include institution and rationale of why this mentor would be a good mentor for applicant.
  • Letter of Support from Division Head or Department Chair addressing how external mentoring provided by this program would be beneficial.


For Additional Information contact the SPR Central Office at